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Hunedoara County

The first human settlements in the Land of Hunedoara date back to Paleolithic. They have found traces of the Turdaş, Petreşti and Coţofeni culture. Sarmizegetusa Regia, the capital of the Dacian state and the complex of fortifications around the holy mountain Kogaionon, were located in the Orăștie Mountains. The Dacian fortresses of Sarmizegetusa Regia, Luncani – Piatra Roşie, Costeşti – Blidaru, Costeşti – Cetăţuie and Bănița are part of the UNESCO patrimony. The location of 28 points of information centers is published ordered successively on digital maps of Hunedoara County: Uricani, Lupeni, Petroșani, Hațeg, Hunedoara, Deva, Geoagiu Băi,

Created and distributed by Transylvania Lands Cluster